This offering was created to help you offer customized herbal gifts to your friends and family. We will work together to develop individualized, tonic (as opposed to acutely therapeutic) herbal formulations based on what you know the recipient likes, dislikes and is interested in working on, or inspired by the special occasion that merits the gift (i.e. birthday, marriage, loss of a loved one, birth of a child, graduation, etc.).
This offering is not intended to function as a replacement for our 3-Part Initial Herbal Consultation Package, which includes an in-depth intake process, and three appointments targeted at supporting individuals on their healing journey, resulting in anywhere from 3 to 5 herbal formulations, lifestyle, supplement recommendations and nutrition support. Instead, this is an opportunity for you to share personalized herbal medicine with those you love and those who you want to share the gifts of the plants with. And what a gift that is!
Teas, tinctures, body oils, flower essences, oxymels, salves, body scrubs, and/or other handmade herbal creations can be discussed based on what you think the recipient may like best. It usually takes 30 minutes of consultation time per individual formulation, so if you'd like to discuss more than one gift, please plan for our time to run a bit longer than the reserved 30 minutes (and be billed accordingly), or schedule an additional, concurrent session.
Pricing: One-on-one consultation time is billed at $75 per hour. You will be invoiced upon completion of our consultation. Medicine costs are not included in this consultation fee and we'll work together to determine what offering may best suit your budget. Generally, medicines cost between $28 and $68 dollars each dependent on the type (tea, tincture, oil, etc.), size and herbs selected. I will provide you with a quote for approval before the individualized medicines are produced.
If you are a new client, follow the steps to book your first session.
Appointment times are displayed in PST. If you need another timezone, select your appointment time and click ‘view in another timezone.’
Your card payment details are required for booking. You won’t be charged until your appointment time. There is a strict 48-hour cancellation policy. You’ll be able to review this before completing your booking.
When you’ve completed your booking, you will receive an email invitation through Practice Better to open your Client Portal. This is where you will be connected with us for any appointment support you need in the meantime.
If you are a returning client, please click below to access your Client Portal to book an appointment.
CLIENT PORTALIf you are returning and don’t yet have a Client Portal, please email us at and we’ll create one for you, so you can book your next appointment.